
I have many years of graphic experience under my belt and would love to make something nifty for you! This includes anything from pitch decks (for selling yourself to sponsors) to promo banners (useful for when you’ve got an upcoming stream event you’d like to promote on socials) to simply silly/cool image manipulations/memes. If it’s a graphic, I can probably put it together for you! Let’s get creative and make something cool together.

Please note: I am unable to give custom illustrations. If you need custom-drawn artwork, might I recommend my friend DragonSparkz? She’s super talented and can give you exactly what you’re looking for.

Have something else in mind that I don’t list here or simply want more information on getting something done for your stream? Don’t hesitate to ask if I can do what you’re looking for!

Pitch Decks

Commissioned pitch decks for streamers to use for making proposals to potential sponsors/partners

Promotional Banners

Various commissioned promotional banners

Non-commissioned Graphics

Graphics which were featured on streams but were not commissioned by streamer beforehand

Original Photo Manipulations

Various original photo manipulation works made with Photoshop in my spare time with no particular client or project in mind. Shown here are low-resolution, watermarked versions; if you’d like to see/receive a full-size copy feel me to shoot me a message and let me know!